Sunday, July 31, 2011

The quest continues...

If there is a burger heaven, it descended a little to wink at my grill today.

Today was another beach day, with Gramma and Grampa in tow. We had a blast as usual, building sand castles and trying out a new collapsible sun shade, and a few hours later, with two very tired little ones, we returned to the home in chaos. I had been halfway through painting the living room when we left for this beach trip, and wanted to get back to it as soon as possible. So for supper we decided on burgers, with Jennifer's homemade coleslaw on the side. Cheap. Fast. Good.

My burger, with melted cheese, and Jenn's excellent simple coleslaw.
The beef was laughably simple. Enough for six burgers. Two tablespoons of liquid hickory smoke. Two tablespoons of medium horseradish. I put them on the grill at about 600', and closed the lid to deter the flames, flipped, and then melted cheddar overtop. Toasted the buns on the grill right before we took them off, and that was it.

Mom's burger, with sweet onions, and Daisy drool.
On top, it was hard to resist the tomatoes from our garden. The plants are growing large enough now to have to be tied back so that they don't break their own stalks. We have several varieties, and they all did very well this year. One kind we have is a heritage Krim black tomato, the others are beefsteak, heritage yellow, and good old regular ordinary tomatoes. The beefsteak are still green yet, but looking forward to next week when they ripen.

Three of the four types of tomato we're growing.

So, the burger as it turned out, was fantastic, there was none of the fast food crap in it. Ah, and the tomato ... picked, washed, eaten. Nothing like it.

Heritage Krim Black tomato
Speaking of tomatoes, I had the most wonderful lunch the other day. Rushing in with no time to spare, I took thin hot dog bun, and put in yellow tomato and fresh basil from the garden, boconcini, and drizzled it in olive oil. Done.

Ready ... literally in seconds, no cooking, no mess, and so good. Here is the assembled sandwich. The thought of it still makes my mouth water.

Jenn's coleslaw:

1 cabbage, grated
2 carrots, grated
half a sweet onion, grated
1cup cider vinegar
2 tbsp sugar
half tsp sea salt.


 My wife, Jennifer's, blog can be found here:
Cleverly Disguised as Cake

And my first novel, squeakyclean, here:
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